Tuesday, May 28, 2013

What's next??

I failed to mention expanding doesn't hurt! Just a lot of pressure in the upper bridge of the nose. Some people say they got a headache every time they turned. I just got an occasional headache.

Anyhow.... What's next? After seeing my orthodontist on May 23rd, I was told nothing but good news!

Stop turning... Yay! Next appt is on June 20th. And I get my bottom braces on!!  I am so excited! 

As far as my lovely upper jaw and man made gap goes, I just sit idle and wait for my upper jaw to grow back together at its new and improved width. Projected time for top braces is 6 months. And yes, I am still living with my appliance. It is what keeps my jaw expanded. After braces are applied onto my top teeth, I will still live with my appliance for awhile. A journey it has been.  It started in Oct 2012. All appointments and surgeries were as speedy as possible. Like I previously mentioned, I had to have my wisdom teeth taken out as well. Even though they were totally impacted they were in the way of my sarpe surgery and Dr. Hopkins didn't want to work around them. 

All in all it has been a good ride. The majority of the people I spoke with pre surgery shook their head. They said if it was them they wouldn't go through all of the "trouble" and they would just prefer living with crooked teeth. I don't look at it as trouble. I look at is as a blessing. I have lived with crooked teeth my entire life. I finally had the opportunity to make it happen along with the support of my honey, Justin. He has been such a great help. Without him I couldn't have done it. He is so loving. So with that being said, I would encourage anyone considering this surgery, go for it! 

Below is a simple collage of comparisons. Notice how far the appliance has widened my top jaw. Impressive.

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