Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sarpe Surgery Day

Well this might seem strange but I wasn't that worried about surgery. I knew I had the best oral surgeon money could buy. Also, thanks to all of the other sarpe blogs out there I felt well prepared because I studied up! Surgery went awesome. Things u need.... 

1. Someone supportive to help for the first 1-3 days.

2. An awesome blender. I broke two.

3. Tons of fruits and veggies, fresh and frozen, I recommend a Costco trip. Yogurt, milk, juice, greens i.e. kale, ensure, carnation instant breakfast, Gatorade, bottled water. Mom in law made awesome blended soups and stored them in 2 cup servings, put them in freezer bags and froze them.

4. Gauze and medical tape for nose bleeds first few days, chap stick, wash cloth.

5. Meds... Pain meds and anti nausea meds prescribed by doctor. ( I get nauseas when taking pain meds) afrin nose spray to clear congested nose, ( not allowed to blow nose) and mucinex and Advil.

If you stay on schedule with the meds the recovery is smooth sailing.. Meds, food, rest and sleep.

6. E-reader loaded with books, magazines, movies, iPad, etc.

7. Good pillows to keep u upright while u sleep. I folded a body pillow in half.

Picture post surgery in the car leaving the  doctor's office.

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